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Together We Care Conference 2023: Key Insights and Developments in the Senior Care Sector

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

The 2023 Together We Care conference in Toronto brought together all of us care professionals, innovators, and policymakers to explore ways to improve how we, as a collective, care for our seniors.

Resident Views was there and was grateful to be in person with everyone again.

Here are our top thoughts and learnings from our time there;

Labour shortage issues are easing for many of you

One of the key takeaways from the conference was the importance of addressing labour challenges in the sector. Although staffing remains a significant challenge, a growing number of operators feel that the worst is behind them. This is a positive sign that the sector is making progress toward addressing this critical issue.

Your resilience as operators

The conference also highlighted the resilience of care operators. Despite immense pressure during the pandemic, those providing care to seniors continue to do so with incredible pride, commitment, and optimism for the future. This dedication and passion for providing high-quality care set the senior care living sector apart.

With major distractions behind us, a refocus on improving senior care was forefront

Improving resident outcomes was another major theme of the conference. Care providers are already doing their best to deliver the best possible care for seniors but are always looking for ways to improve. The conference showcased innovative technology solutions designed to make life easier for seniors and their caregivers, which holds tremendous promise for the future of the senior care living sector.

Governments are showing more support

The Ontario government's commitment to providing big dollars for the sector was also a significant highlight of the conference. This investment will enable operators to provide even better care to more seniors, which is exciting news for the sector.

Tough conversations with inspectors

The conference highlighted the need for fair inspections. While care operators recognize the value and role that inspectors play in the senior care ecosystem, concerns remain about consistent and proportional approaches to inspection. Advocates like OLTCA and ORCA play a crucial role in ensuring that inspections are fair and proportional.


We can thank you enough for taking the time to engage with us in conversation, learning, and for your curiosity about how Resident Views can help you become more productive leaders.

One thing is certain; we are inspired by the motivation to do nothing but improve the care we provide to our aging population. It helps us continue to innovate our services, so we can serve you better.

Until the next time we meet,

Jabir Nathu


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